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The science of complaining, how It affects your brain 

By Eline | 16 July 2024

Do you catch yourself complaining every day? Whether it’s about the weather, traffic, or something else entirely, we all find ourselves grumbling from time to time. But have you ever wondered what constant complaining does to your brain? Let’s delve…

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Massage techniques for beginners 

By Eline | 2 July 2024

Whether it’s a rainy day indoors or a surprise for your partner, a massage can be the perfect way to unwind and show someone you care. But if you’re new to massage and unsure where to start, fear not! Here…

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The collaboration between your gut and brain 

By Eline | 11 June 2024

You may have heard it before, but did you know that your gut and brain work together? Your intestines are often referred to as your “second brain.” In this article, we’ll delve into how this partnership functions. The collaboration between…

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Mindful meditation: A key to anxiety management

By Lars | 7 June 2024

Stress and anxiety sometimes seem like inseparable companions in our busy lives. The constant stream of deadlines and expectations can overwhelm our minds and pull us into a downward spiral of stress. But hey, don’t panic! Fortunately, there’s a cool…

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4 small habits that lead to a happier life 

By Logan | 7 May 2024

Achieving a happy and fulfilling life is a journey worth embarking on. It’s not about grand gestures or monumental changes; often, it’s the small habits that make the biggest difference. Here are four simple yet impactful tips to help you…

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Why writing down your feelings can make a difference 

By Jasper | 7 May 2024

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s all too easy to get swept away by the chaos around us. Between work deadlines, family obligations, and social commitments, our minds can become cluttered with a whirlwind of thoughts and…

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Hot water bottle Is good for body and mind

By Jasper | 30 April 2024

The age-old practice of using a hot water bottle is much more than just a traditional household tool. It turns out that a hot water bottle not only provides warmth on cold winter nights but also offers numerous benefits for…

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Unveiling your character: what your birth month reveals about you 

By Charlotte | 26 April 2024

Astrology and birth months have long been associated with personality traits and characteristics. While the concept may not have a scientific basis, it’s intriguing to explore how our birth month could potentially influence aspects of our character. In this blog,…

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Unlocking the magic of the golden triangle 

By Eline | 23 April 2024

Have you heard of the golden triangle? It’s not a mystical land or a secret society – it’s a trio of gemstones renowned for their unique properties that complement each other in a harmonious blend. Let’s delve into what the…

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How to deal with your phone addiction

By Laura | 16 April 2024

Scrolling for hours on Instagram, we’ve all caught ourselves doing it. But have you noticed that you can’t put your phone down? Then, it might be time to take action. Why is your phone so addictive? App and website developers…

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This is why your muscle mass decreases as you age

By Chris | 10 April 2024

You’re doing everything to maintain your muscles. You eat healthily and exercise daily, but still, your muscle mass decreases as you get older. This is inevitable as we all age, but why does this happen? Muscle mass decreases with age:…

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The power of receiving a thank you 

By Kimberly | 9 April 2024

As children, we’re taught the importance of saying “thank you” when we receive something or when we’ve been allowed to play at a friend’s house. The act of saying “thank you” is far more significant than we may realize. Curious…

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