How to deal with your phone addiction

Scrolling for hours on Instagram, we’ve all caught ourselves doing it. But have you noticed that you can’t put your phone down? Then, it might be time to take action.

Why is your phone so addictive?

App and website developers know exactly how to keep you on their platform for as long as possible. They play into your curiosity. Every notification makes you look. The red badges are coloured that way for a reason. They grab your attention and make you want to check immediately.

The problem is not the phone itself but the amount of attention it demands from you throughout the day. If you have difficulty concentrating, sleep poorly, or often feel down, it might be because of your phone.

What can you do about it?

1. Turn off push notifications

This is where you can make the biggest difference. By doing this, you won’t receive a notification for every message or email. Disabling notifications for specific apps is a perfect solution for increased focus. You can also quickly put (group) chats on mute.

2. Set limits

Another practical approach is to update your social media only once or twice a day, at times that are convenient for you. This is not only more efficient but also brings more peace of mind. You’ll get used to it.

3. Screen time

Many apps allow you to set a maximum usage time. If you sometimes spend hours on Instagram, set a limit, such as one hour per day. Once you reach the set time, the app will close, and you won’t be able to open it for the rest of the day.

4. Start and end your day without your phone

One of the best tips to overcome your phone addiction is to not only start your day without your phone, but also put it away in the evening. Set your alarm in the evening and place your phone on the other side of the room. This way, you’ll not only get out of bed faster in the morning, but you’ll also be less inclined to grab it.

5. Dark mode

As mentioned earlier, the red badges intentionally grab your attention. Are you particularly sensitive to this? Enable dark mode on your phone or in the relevant app. It will help you stay less distracted and allow you to enjoy increased peace and tranquillity.

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