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Essential home workout equipment 

By Chris | 24 July 2024

Many individuals are keen on incorporating exercise into their daily routine but may have various reasons for preferring to do so from the comfort of their own home rather than at a gym. Fortunately, home workouts can be just as…

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The health benefits of cycling 

By Eline | 10 July 2024

Cycling isn’t just a mode of transportation; it’s a fantastic way to improve your health while enjoying the great outdoors. Many people find solace in cycling, whether it’s for leisure or as a means of exercise. In this article, we…

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Staying active with your kids, here’s how!

By Eline | 26 June 2024

Keeping both yourself and your kids active can sometimes be a challenge, especially with the allure of indoor activities and digital screens. However, staying active is crucial for overall health and well-being. In this article, we’ll explore some tips to…

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10,000 steps a day? Is this necessary?

By Eline | 12 June 2024

Embarking on a journey of 10,000 steps a day – a goal many strive to achieve in the pursuit of fitness and wellbeing. But is it truly necessary? Let’s delve into the truth behind this ubiquitous recommendation and explore the…

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The best stretches for stiff shoulders 

By Eline | 15 May 2024

Aching or stiff shoulders – a common woe we’ve all experienced at some point. Whatever the cause may be, incorporating muscle-relaxing exercises can work wonders in loosening up those muscles, making them softer, more supple, and ultimately more relaxed. This,…

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Getting back into exercise after childbirth 

By Delano | 1 May 2024

Congratulations on your new arrival! As you bask in the joy of motherhood, it’s essential to take care of yourself as well. While you may be eager to return to your pre-pregnancy fitness routine, it’s crucial to approach postpartum exercise…

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Pain due to stress

By Eline | 24 April 2024

Everyone experiences stress at some point, whether from work, school, holidays, or children running around. But what impact does stress have on your body? Prolonged stress can create imbalances in both your body and mind. Persistent stress can be experienced…

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5 exercises for stronger muscles 

By Eline | 17 April 2024

Building strong muscles is not only about consuming protein-rich foods but also about incorporating specific exercises into your routine. If you’re curious about which exercises can help you achieve stronger muscles, look no further! Here are 5 exercises to get…

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Bye-bye arm chicken wings: exercises to tone and strengthen your upper arms 

By Lily | 3 April 2024

Do you feel self-conscious about the excess flab on your upper arms, often referred to as “chicken wings”? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! Many people struggle with toning and strengthening their upper arms. The good news is that with the…

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Start your day with these stretching exercises

By Eline | 27 March 2024

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Do you immediately check your phone or perhaps head straight to the bathroom? Both are common for a morning routine and occur as soon as you wake up. However,…

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How long does it take to get out of shape after resting? 

By Harry | 20 March 2024

We all skip a planned workout occasionally, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, it’s even good to take a break from all the training and to listen to your body. However, for some, missing one workout can easily turn…

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Activities you can do on a rest day

By Eline | 13 March 2024

You need rest days to allow your muscles to recover and to give your best in the next training session. Your rest day is your rest day, so you can choose to do nothing or engage in light activities to…

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