The importance of good shoes 

Everyone has heard a version of the saying, “To be beautiful, one must suffer.” Sometimes, this may actually be true, but often, it’s completely unnecessary. The most beautiful heels, pumps, or loafers are often the least comfortable. But hey, you want to look good, right? With this article, we want to emphasise the importance of good shoes, so you think of comfort as much as beauty. 

Wrong shoes 

It’s simple really, shoes are wrong for you if you can’t walk comfortably in them, and we are not just talking about breaking them in. We mean if they hurt all the time/every time you wear them. If you notice that you’re walking differently or not in a relaxed manner, it’s not a good sign. Getting blisters or experiencing uncomfortable foot pain also indicates that you need different shoes. 

Incorrect foot alignment 

Struggling with the wrong shoes for too long can lead to unpleasant long-term problems. Wearing the wrong shoes also disrupts your natural gait, resulting in a poor walking pattern. This can cause you to develop incorrect foot alignment (all because you loved those silly shoes!). 

Consequences of incorrect foot alignment 

Unfortunately, the consequences of incorrect foot alignment are usually significant. Apart from the discomfort of improper gait and foot alignment, it can also lead to other unpleasant issues. Examples include back pain, herniated discs, neck muscle pain, and headaches. 

Buy good shoes 

To prevent this misery, it’s important to wear good, correctly fitting shoes. And this doesn’t necessarily mean they have to be the most expensive ones out there. There are many good shoes available at reasonable prices. Additionally, it’s important to remember that the definition of a good shoe varies for everyone. While some people feel they’re best in boots, others prefer trainers. Don’t compare yourself to others, and make sure to try on shoes thoroughly before buying them. 

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with occasionally wearing shoes that aren’t as comfortable. After all, you sometimes want to wear those beautiful shoes, and we understand that. Just make sure only to walk short distances or wear them sparingly. If you do this occasionally and primarily wear good shoes as your foundation, there’s no need to worry about incorrect foot alignment. 

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