How do you get those unexplained bruises? 

Do you ever wake up, see unexplained bruises, and wonder if you might have bumped into something but can’t recall anything? Well, don’t stress this can be common and can happen from within. Some people are more prone to it than others. So, let’s figure out how you get those unexplained bruises. 

How do you get a bruise? 

In essence, a bruise is a subcutaneous bleeding. Tiny blood vessels in your skin get damaged and start to leak. The blood that leaks from these vessels accumulates in your skin. These bruises often fade away on their own within a few days. Areas where your skin is thinner are more susceptible to bruising. It’s not surprising that you get bruises more easily on your shins, elbows, or knees, for example. 

Causes of unexplained bruises 


Something we can’t do anything about, unfortunately, is that bruising can be hereditary. That’s right, it could be that you are genetically more prone to bruising. In general, women tend to bruise more easily than men. Women also have more platelets in their blood, which is why they get bruises more easily. 


Medications can affect your blood clotting ability. For example, blood thinners can cause blood vessels to become more easily damaged and leak for a longer period. Other medications like paracetamol and ibuprofen can also act as blood thinners. 

Vitamin deficiency 

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in many processes in your body. It helps in the formation of connective tissue when you have a wound. A deficiency in vitamin C slows down the healing of damaged blood vessels under your skin, making you more prone to bruising. 

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