Addicted to sports? 

Are you addicted to sports? Exercising is healthy and relaxing for some, but it can also become an obsession. You keep exercising more and more because you want to become even fitter, and in your mind, you may attach that to being more attractive. But how do you know if you’re just enthusiastic or have a sports addiction? 

Characteristics of sports addiction 

You can easily spot someone with a sports addiction in the gym. They usually have little contact with other athletes and, during warm-up, are already jumping around with a determined look in a corner, fully dedicated. People with a sports addiction often go to the gym multiple times a day and then exercise at home as well. 

Healthy activity or an obsession 

Sports addiction has been gaining more recognition lately, which is a good thing. It is difficult for oneself to determine whether they are being enthusiastic and engaging in a healthy activity or if they are obsessively fixated on exercise. This is because, unlike other things you can be addicted to, exercising is generally considered very healthy. 

What causes sports addiction? 

Sports addiction is usually caused by the release of endorphins. Endorphins are morphine-like substances produced by the body and are released during exercise, among other things. Endorphins provide a wonderful feeling, often referred to as the runner’s high in the context of running. Sports addicts miss the endorphin rush when they cannot exercise due to illness or injury. At that point, withdrawal symptoms can occur, like other addictions. The withdrawal symptoms of sports addiction include muscle tension, palpitations, and dizziness. 

The dangers of sports addiction 

Exercising a lot is generally healthy and relaxing. However, you can overdo it and end up damaging your body. Exercising excessively can cause muscle attachments to break due to overloading. A sports addiction often also takes a toll on your social life. Sports addicts often neglect their work, friends, and family in order to train. 


Here are a few questions about exercising. If you answer yes to many of these questions, there is a good chance that you have a sports addiction, and it would be best to discuss it with someone. 

  1. Do you often cancel appointments, parties, or work to go exercise? 
  1. Do you weigh yourself every day? 
  1. Do you exercise even when you don’t feel well? 
  1. Do you spend less time with your partner in order to exercise? 
  1. Do you feel ‘incomplete’ when you haven’t exercised for a day? 
  1. Do you recognise many of these things in yourself? Take some rest and reduce your exercise. 

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