Showering in a skin-friendly way 

It’s wonderful to take long showers on cold days. However, showering is not always good for your skin. It can cause your skin to dry, with many shower products also contributing to drying out your skin. But what’s the best way to shower while caring for your skin? 

Don’t shower every day 

When you hear this, you probably think, ‘That’s not hygienic,’ or you may feel that you will start to smell if you don’t shower every day. However, not showering every day is actually better for your skin, as it prevents excessive drying. 

Water temperature 

One way to take better care of your skin is to not shower with overly hot water. The recommended temperature is between 35° and 37° Celsius. Cooler temperatures are also acceptable and are beneficial. Having a cold show now and then can help increase productivity. 

Use good quality soap 

If you experience severe dryness after showering, you will want to use a higher-quality soap. But is using a bar of soap or shower gel better for your skin? Shower gel contains a lot of water, making it thinner and less hydrating, whereas soap contains very little. Soap consists of fat and lye. Natural soap is naturally alkaline and therefore antibacterial. Overall, a bar of soap is better for your skin, but make sure to use a natural soap predominantly made from plant-based ingredients. 

Also, place the soap in a dish where it can dry. By doing so, you prevent the development of bacteria. 

Use moisturiser 

After showering, apply a protective lotion or cream to your skin while it is still slightly damp. Preferably, use hypoallergenic products specifically designed for dry skin. 

Drying off 

After showering, make sure to dry your body thoroughly. Do this diligently and remember areas such as between your toes. Even if you are in a rush, remember as it may lead to a fungal infection if you don’t dry properly. 

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