How to make facial hair grow faster! 

Beautiful full beards and moustaches – many men would love to have them. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with fast and natural hair growth. However, you can do a few things to promote faster beard growth. Below are some helpful tips to aid you on your beard growth journey. 

Healthy diet and no smoking 

For strong and efficient hair growth, you need the right nutrients. In addition to sufficient protein, it is important to consume products that are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E. Include foods such as leafy greens, carrots, avocados, grains, proteins, cheese, yoghurt, chicken, and fish in your diet. These foods are known to help stimulate hair growth. 

Get enough sleep and rest 

Ensure that you get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep per night for optimal hair growth. Sleep is important for the performance of your bodily functions, and this includes hair growth. In addition to sleep, minimising stress also contributes to hair growth. In other words, stress hinders hair growth and can cause hair thinning. Stress has a negative effect on your immune system, which restricts facial hair growth. 


It is wise to have realistic expectations. If you currently have very minimal beard growth, it’s better not to expect a perfectly growing full beard. You can definitely make a difference and experience more growth, but it requires patience. Give your chances of achieving a beautiful beard some time! 

Beard oil 

Proper hydration of your facial hair can lead to better hair growth. It also keeps your beard hair soft, allowing for a fuller beard. Another benefit is that beard oil helps combat itchiness and hair breakage. It’s a versatile product. 

Beard growth serum 

A serum is an excellent product for faster hair growth. Ingredients such as biotin and caffeine stimulate hair growth. 


Physical activity is essential for the proper functioning of your body. Therefore, engage in weekly exercise, especially cardio, as it promotes good blood circulation. Good blood circulation enhances rapid metabolism, which helps the nutrients that improve hair growth to reach your hair follicles more quickly. This will increase your beard growth. If cardio isn’t your thing, try to find a light form of exercise that suits you, like going for a walk, for example. 


You may not have expected this, but even a massage can improve beard growth. A facial massage can stimulate your hair follicles to grow faster and thicker. Use your fingertips and gently massage your face in a circular motion for two to three minutes. 

Avoid using a razor 

Many people believe that shaving promotes faster beard growth. However, this is not true. While it is true that the hair grows back faster after shaving, the growth rate actually decreases immediately. Shaving in between has no effect. It’s good to know that if you don’t shave your beard for an extended period, it won’t immediately look nice and well-groomed. So, know what you’re getting into and, most importantly, know why you’re doing it! 

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