How to get rid of sweaty feet 

At the end of the day, you take off your shoes and immediately notice the smell coming from your socks. You’ve been wearing your socks in your shoes all day, preventing your feet from properly hydrating. But how can you get rid of sweaty feet and what can you do about it? 


Sweat from the feet is produced by sweat glands and is odourless in itself. However, substances in which bacteria can thrive, combined with warm sweaty feet, can create a certain odour. 

It’s normal to have bacteria on your skin. Everyone has their own mix, and unfortunately, sometimes you have a combination that produces odours more quickly. For example, hairy feet have more sweat glands, which are larger and produce more oil. 

Factors at play 

Many people struggle with sweaty feet despite their best efforts to prevent it, while others hardly experience it at all. Genetic predisposition also plays a significant role in whether or not you have sweaty feet. The thickness or resilience of certain skin types can determine how well they tolerate synthetic materials without reacting. Hormones also influence sweaty feet, which is why teenagers often experience it. 

What can you do about it? 

Choose breathable shoes 

Opt for shoes made of breathable materials, such as leather. It’s better to avoid synthetic materials. Feet tend to smell more in shoes made of synthetic or plastic materials, like many sneakers. 

Select the right socks 

Wear socks made of suitable materials and replace them daily. The choice of sock material is also important. Preferably, wear cotton or other natural fibre socks. Synthetic socks tend to develop odours more quickly and should be avoided. 

Rotate your shoes regularly 

Don’t wear the same shoes every day. Alternate your footwear to allow them to air out for a day. This gives your shoes a break as well. 

Thoroughly wash and dry your feet after showering 

It’s essential to wash your feet every day to keep them clean. Properly drying your feet is also crucial. If your feet are not thoroughly dried, it can lead to additional sweating. 

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