Pregnant and Experiencing More Discharge? Here’s What’s Going On!

Whether you’re currently pregnant, trying to conceive, or have been pregnant before, you might notice an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy. This is completely normal! Let’s explore why this happens and what you should know.
Increased Discharge During Pregnancy
It’s perfectly common to experience more discharge than usual during pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, you may notice the discharge becoming more frequent, especially in the later stages. Typically, this discharge is thinner, more watery, and harmless.
At the End of Pregnancy
Towards the end of pregnancy, some women might confuse discharge with amniotic fluid, which can feel similar. However, there are key differences: vaginal discharge is usually whitish, while amniotic fluid is clear and colorless (though it may sometimes have white flakes). If you’re uncertain whether you’re experiencing discharge or amniotic fluid leakage, it’s always wise to contact your midwife for guidance.
Why Do You Have More Discharge During Pregnancy?
The increase in discharge during pregnancy is primarily due to increased blood flow to your pelvic region. This heightened circulation stimulates the mucous membranes, which leads to more vaginal discharge. It’s the body’s natural way of keeping the area clean and protecting against infection.
Should You See a Doctor?
Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to prevent discharge during pregnancy—it’s a natural part of the process. Most of the time, this discharge is harmless. However, if you notice anything unusual, such as a change in color or consistency, a foul odor, or if you’re also experiencing bleeding, it’s best to consult your midwife or doctor. They can check for any underlying issues and ensure everything is progressing smoothly.