Detox your home 

Fresh air in your home is very important, but there is much more you can do to detox your living space. Here are some of our favorite tips: 

Avoid air fresheners 

Air fresheners often do little more than spread a pleasant scent without improving air quality. They usually contain synthetic substances, which in small amounts might not be harmful but can irritate and narrow airways for people with asthma or other sensitivities. 

No shoes indoors 

Leave your shoes at the door. Did you know that shoes carry around 400,000 bacteria each? You’d likely prefer to keep those outside, which also reduces the amount of cleaning needed—90% of what’s on your shoes ends up on your floor. 

Open the windows 

While it varies by location, outdoor air is often cleaner than indoor air, which tends to trap bacteria. Open your windows regularly, even if only for five minutes. This can significantly improve your indoor air quality. 

Bring plants indoors 

Plants not only look great in your interior, but they also purify the air. It’s beneficial to place a plant in every room. Examples of air-purifying plants include: 

  • Areca Palm 
  • Blue Fern 
  • Monstera 
  • Ivy 

Ventilation grilles 

Clean these regularly. They allow airflow from inside to outside and vice versa, and can accumulate dirt. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean them, and if possible, remove the cover and wash it with soap. 


Is your space cluttered, or do you tend to leave things on the kitchen table? This can create stress. Take a moment each morning or evening to tidy up. You’ll feel better and find it easier to clean when surfaces are clear, saving time and reducing dust. 

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