Always craving something sweet? These are the causes! 

Does your body constantly crave sweets, and you can’t figure out where that hunger comes from? Chocolate, biscuits, sweets — it doesn’t matter what it is, but you want to eat it after a meal. Below are the possible causes! 

Cause of sweet cravings 

Your body sometimes goes through periods where it craves sugar. It can be very difficult to resist these cravings. However, the underlying cause of this may be a lack of sleep. Poor sleep can lead to increased appetite and a strong desire for high-calorie foods in the evening. When you sleep poorly, hormones and neurotransmitters are disrupted, and your brain’s reward system functions differently. Before you know it, you’ve finished an entire pack of biscuits and still feel hungry. 


Since tiredness is the main cause of those intense sweet cravings, we also know the immediate solution: getting a good night’s sleep! Sleep helps your body function properly. Your body will always signal when it needs nutrients and when it feels satisfied. You can support a good night’s sleep by sleeping in a cool room, keeping your phone out of the bedroom, writing about your day, or reading a book. It also helps to avoid drinking coffee in the evening and to refrain from consuming alcohol. 

Old habits 

Old habits can also hinder you. If you’ve always had dessert after a meal, you associate sweetness with comfort. Or if you were rewarded with dessert for finishing your plate, it’s programmed in your brain. 


Emotions can also be a reason for your craving for sweets after a meal. Your brain knows that sugar temporarily creates a pleasurable feeling, so you want to experience that. Giving in to the sugar craving causes your body to produce dopamine, which makes you temporarily feel good. Additionally, when serotonin is low in your body, you usually feel sad and down. Sugars and fast carbohydrates stimulate the production of serotonin, temporarily making you feel happier. 

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