8 products with more vitamin C than oranges 

Vitamin C is highly effective for conditions like the common cold. While people often associate oranges with high vitamin C content, some other fruits and vegetables actually contain even more vitamin C. So if you are someone who is lacking a little vitamin C in their life, here is a list of some quick hits:  

1. Red peppers 

Red peppers are rich in vitamin C. They also contain capsaicin, which can alleviate joint and muscle pain. Capsaicin also gives red peppers that spicy taste, so you might not want to eat too many if you are in pain, unless you can handle the heat. 

2. Green bell pepper 

Green bell peppers contain less vitamin C than their red counterparts but are still a good substitute. Consuming a serving of green bell peppers can provide 200% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Green bell peppers are also an excellent source of fibre.  

3. Red bell pepper 

Red bell peppers contain nearly three times more vitamin C than an orange. They are also high in vitamin A, which positively impacts eye health. 

4. Mango 

Mangoes are not only rich in vitamin C but also contain vitamin A. They support the immune system and promote healthy eyes, so enjoying some mango can be a quick win. 

5. Kiwi 

Consuming two kiwis will provide you with a substantial amount of vitamin C. And yes, you may have seen people eating the skin, which is beneficial because it contains potassium and copper – eating the skin is optional though, no kiwi judgement here. 

6. Brussels sprouts 

Brussels sprouts may be an acquired taste, but they are a great source of vitamin C. If you are not a fan of their flavour, why not try roasting them to enhance their hidden sweetness? 

7. Papaya 

Papayas are rich in nutrients and offer many benefits. Eating papaya can help cleanse your sinuses, brighten your skin, and strengthen your bones. 

8. Cauliflower 

Whether steamed, mashed, or roasted, cauliflower is a great vitamin C source. It is also packed with fibre and protein, so make sure you put some on your plate. 

So there you have it, oranges are not your only source of vitamin C. There are numerous fruits and vegetables out there that are equally or more rich in vitamin C.  

To ensure adequate vitamin C intake, consider choosing several items above and adding them to your shopping list.  

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