5 Benefits of an orgasm 

Having an orgasm can be highly beneficial for various aspects of your life, such as sleep, mood, and relationships. Curious about other advantages and why they matter? Read on to discover more. 

Improves mood 

During an orgasm, a surge of feel-good hormones is released into your bloodstream, making you feel happier, calmer, and less stressed. These hormones include: 

  • Oxytocin 
  • Dopamine 
  • Endorphins 
  • Serotonin 
  • Prolactin 

Connect with your body 

Masturbation helps you connect with your body, as it involves allowing yourself to touch your genitals. This is an opportunity to explore how your body feels and to learn what you enjoy and what might cause discomfort. 

Learn what feels good 

Without experiencing an orgasm, you might not know what you find pleasurable or what might scare you away. 

Strengthen relationships 

Orgasms can help strengthen your relationship and bring you closer to your partner. If your partner is particularly skilled in bed, you may want to see them more often, which can lead to a deeper investment in your relationship. 

Better sleep 

If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, consider having an orgasm before bed. Orgasms can make you feel sleepy due to the release of relaxation hormones, or it might simply become a comforting routine. Many people find it helps them relax and prepare for sleep. 

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