The influence of seasons on your hair 

You’ve probably noticed that the seasons have an impact on your hair. Spending a whole summer at the beach doesn’t exactly help in keeping your hair soft and supple. But it’s not just summer; other seasons, especially sunlight, also affect your hair. But why does your hair shed more during these seasons, and what can you do to combat it? 

Autumn & Spring 

You may have noticed that during autumn and spring, you’re more likely to find fallen hairs on your clothes, your brush quickly fills up with strands, and loose hairs seem to follow you everywhere. Don’t worry; you’re not alone in experiencing this. 


You’ve probably also noticed that your hair and nails grow faster during the summer. This is mainly due to the sunlight, which provides you with plenty of vitamin D. 

But why does your hair shed more during autumn and spring? As the days grow shorter, you receive less vitamin D due to reduced sunlight. This results in a decrease in the growth phase of your hair, transitioning into a phase where your hair becomes loose and eventually falls out. 

Hormonal changes 

Given that hair loss often follows a period of intense sunlight, why is it that you also experience significant shedding in the spring? Logically, this seems counterintuitive. However, it’s true that you may experience more hair loss in the spring. This is because the sun begins to shine more intensely, a change your body hasn’t been accustomed to for a while. This change affects your hormonal balance, leading to accelerated production of new hairs. As new hairs need space, older hairs are shed more quickly, resulting in increased hair loss. 

Supplementing with vitamin D 

In the autumn, you may also notice that your hair becomes dry and frizzy. This is due to the low humidity in winter. To maintain healthy hair during winter, consider taking extra vitamin D supplements, as you’re likely to have a deficiency during this season in the UK. 

Understanding how the seasons affect your hair can help you take better care of it year-round. By adapting your hair care routine to the changing seasons, you can ensure your locks remain healthy and vibrant, regardless of the weather outside. 

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