Feeling nauseous after an intense workout? This is the cause

After an intense HIIT workout, you naturally feel proud, but you might also feel nauseous. This is quite normal, but what exactly causes it? We have investigated it for you and also provide some tips. 

The cause 

Feeling nauseous after exercising is related to your digestive system. During exercise, your blood starts pumping vigorously, putting a strain on your digestive tract. During exercise, blood primarily flows to your muscles to supply them with oxygen and nutrients. As more blood goes to your muscles, less blood flows to your intestines and stomach. This can lead to a feeling of nausea and sometimes even vomiting. 

Nausea during which workouts? 

You can potentially feel the nauseous sensation during any workout. However, when you push your body too hard during exercise, the feeling of nausea can arise more quickly. This can happen during high-intensity workouts, long-distance running, or even sprinting. 

If you haven’t been exercising for a while and suddenly engage in a highly intensive workout, you may become nauseous more easily. Your body is immediately subjected to intense stress, beyond what it can handle. So, if you resume exercising after a period of inactivity, start gradually and take it easy. 

Tips to prevent nausea: 

Feeling nauseous does have a logical cause, but there are steps you can take to prevent it. Below are some tips you can apply when you start feeling nauseous: 

1. Wait at least 2 hours after a large meal before exercising. 

2. Reduce the intensity of your workout. 

3. Gradually build up your workout routine. 

4. Drink water cautiously, avoiding excessive intake at once. 

5. Opt for longer rest periods. 

Remember to listen to your body and make adjustments accordingly to ensure a safe and enjoyable workout experience. 

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