5 ways to relieve stress 

Stress is incredibly bothersome and also not healthy, especially when it becomes chronic. It is important to address and alleviate stress early on. Below, the editorial team shares 10 tips to quickly relieve stress! 

Engage in physical activity or exercise:

Moving or exercising is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. Engaging in physical activity in nature gives you a sense of relaxation, and it helps clear your mind. This reduces stress and makes you less prone to experiencing it. 

Listen to your favourite music:

When you’re feeling stressed, it can be a good idea to listen to your favourite music. Listening to music that brings you joy can give you a pleasant feeling and help you relax. 

Express gratitude verbally or in writing:

The third tip is to express gratitude by either speaking it aloud or writing it down. You can do this by stating out loud what you’re grateful for or by jotting down your gratitude. Consider doing this for three things; it helps you realize what truly matters in life and why getting worked up over certain things is unnecessary. 

Watch a series or movie:

The fourth way to help alleviate stress is by watching a series or movie that gives you a feel-good sensation. This allows you to be distracted and not think about the things causing your stress. 

Yoga or meditation:

Yoga or meditation can also help you relax completely and significantly reduce stress. Yoga and/or meditation help you unwind, and they also promote a more relaxed breathing pattern. These are two things that are crucial in times of stress. 

Don’t do these things only when you’re stressed:  

Despite the fact that these tips are incredibly helpful in combating stress, it’s important not to apply them only when you’re experiencing stress. You should also engage in these activities when you’re not stressed. Ideally, schedule a moment every day to do something from the above list (or any other activity that helps you relax). After all, you can only be productive if you also take enough time to relax. 

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