Nutrition with Fit at Home tip 6

Many people think that light products help you get a good figure. They also think that by drinking coffee you retain fluid. What is true and what is false? We’ll give you some facts and myths about weight loss.

It’s good to eat fish and spinach together


For years there have been warnings about the combination of fish and nitrate-rich leafy vegetables such as spinach. It now appears that the research on which this was based was incorrect. That is why this advice was withdrawn.

Vegetables mainly contain vitamin C


Vitamin C is mainly found in fruits such as orange and kiwi and in some vegetables such as bell pepper and cabbage. Many other vegetables contain a lot less vitamin C, but many other vitamins and minerals. For example, spinach contains a lot of folic acid and carrots contain a lot of vitamin A.

Whole wheat is equally as good for you as spelt


Spelt bread is hip because it is said to be healthier. However, the difference between spelt and whole wheat is only small. Spelt bread also contains gluten, so it is of no use to anyone who wants to avoid this. However, some people tolerate spelt better than whole wheat. In this case, make sure that the product is 100% spelt, and that it does not contain whole wheat.

Rice milk is healthier than cow’s milk


Rice milk cannot be compared with semi-skimmed (cow) milk. There are hardly any proteins in rice milk. There is also no vitamin B2 in rice milk. This vitamin is naturally present in cow’s milk, and is added to other milk substitutes.

Meat substitutes contain as much iron as meat


Meat substitutes regularly contain less iron than a piece of red meat, according to research into meat substitutes. Moreover, the iron from meat substitutes is absorbed less well than iron from meat. It helps to eat fruit on the side, since vitamin C increases the absorption of iron.

An premium brand is always healthier than a house brand


It doesn’t have to be. Research into salt in food in 2015 showed that the Heinz sandwich spread contains a lot more salt than the sandwich spread of house brands.

Oats are gluten free


Oats are naturally gluten-free. However, because oats regularly come into contact with gluten-containing grains, it is possible that oats do contain gluten. Unless the term “gluten-free” or the gluten-free logo is on the label.

Everyday movements are just as healthy as exercising


Exercise is not healthier than everyday movements. There are even many indications that sitting still all day is harmful to health, even if you exercise at the end of the day. Being active throughout the day and exercising for at least half an hour every day is the healthiest option.

I’m fat because my bones are heavy


That may make a difference, but never more than about 4 pounds on your total weight.

If olive oil is not of 1st pressing (=extra virgin), it mainly contains unhealthy saturated fats


Nonsense, the quality of the product is better, but the fats are the same.


If you eat after 7 o’clock in the evening, you will get fat


Your body doesn’t think ‘I’m not doing anything anymore’ at 7pm. But if you have a snack in the evening, there is a good chance that you eat more than necessary. The temptation to overeat may be greater in the evening. When you’re tired, temptations are harder to resist and there is a chance you gain weight. In addition, it is also very personal who eats when. Some people really don’t get a bite down their throats in the morning, others can finish an entire meal before heading out to work. Try to eat 3 main meals every day and not too many unhealthy snacks.

Coffee retains water


The caffeine even ensures faster fluid excretion. Not more than usual, just faster.

Light products help to lose weight


Some products do contain 30% less carbohydrates, fat or sugar, but still provide a lot of energy (calories) and also offer few healthy nutrients.

Our teeth are not suitable for meat processing, as with carnivores


Our teeth are made to be omnivorous. They are built to grind meat and plants.

Adults are not built to eat and drink milk (products)


Many adults of Asian descent are lactose intolerant and thus cannot tolerate milk. But Africans and South Americans also often become lactose intolerant after childhood. Lactose intolerance is much less common in Western Europeans, so they can usually tolerate milk.

To lose weight, it is better to drink fruit juice than soft drink


A glass of fruit juice contains about as many calories as a glass of cola or orange (± 105 kcal per glass of 250 ml). Grape juice even contains much more calories (160 kcal per glass), but tomato juice contains fewer calories (43 kcal per glass). When the goal is to lose weight, it’s better to eat a piece of fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.

I can’t drink a beer when I’m trying to lose weight


An ordinary beer does indeed contain a lot of calories, about the same as a glass of fruit juice. But alcohol-free beer contains much less, only 65 kcal per glass, which is much less than a glass of apple juice (110 kcal).

Fat is bad for you


There are vitamins that are only found in fats. In addition, fat is an important building block. Some fats are bad for your health, these are saturated and trans fats. In addition, fats provide a lot of energy, so it is important not to eat too much of them.

You should avoid carbohydrates while losing weight


There are theories that you should not eat carbohydrates at all during weight loss, but we do not share those theories. Carbohydrates (like sugar) don’t make you fatter than other nutrients. But if you eat too much of it, it will cause weight gain. Certainly snacks sometimes contain a lot of sugars, but luckily these can often be easily omitted or replaced.

Avocado makes you fat


Half an avocado contains more than twice as many calories as an apple. So while losing weight, it may not be wise to eat this fruit every day. But an avocado does contain many healthy substances and can therefore also be eaten occasionally.

Weight fluctuation is inevitable if you lose weight fast


If you lose a lot of weight quickly, there is a good chance that you will quickly return to your old weight. But this doesn’t have to be the case. By simultaneously adjusting your dietary habits, you can ensure that you stay at your new weight.

Being slightly overweight is actually healthy


Health risks increase from a BMI of 25. The statistics indicate that overweight people are for example more likely to suffer from diabetes. If you just hit that BMI, you don’t have to worry. The biggest problem however is the danger of gradually getting even more heavy. On the other hand, it’s not necessarily healthy to always try to lose weight. The best thing is for your weight to be steady and to have a BMI that’s lower than 25.

Let’s get healthy!