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Best cardio for weight loss

Now possible at home

All you need is a TV, a Laptop or a smartphone to get your fitness journey started. Cardio is the most effective workout type whether you do it in the gym or you do it at home. All you need is to learn the technique to get meet your fitness goal.

Choose your bodyweight workout

  • Workout via TV, Laptop & Smartphone
  • Text message service so you never forget your workout!
  • More than 500 workout videos on demand 24/7
  • Lose weight with just 2 to 3 workouts a week

Start with Cardio or weights for weight loss

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Cardio workouts will get you in shape

Whether you are trying to build muscle or you are trying to lose fat, cardio is the best option to consider.

When you have a set goal to lose weight and fat in a limited time, you must start with cardio for weight loss. Not only it is high intensity, but it also focuses on your full-body workout. All you need to do is to be consistent. Also, guess what? You no longer have to go to the gym. Instead, you can sign up for our cardio or weights for weight loss program.

Wondering what you can start with?

Well, what you need to do is to start with cardio and check our plenty of videos that are not only targeted to a particular area but also overall body. Let us tell you what exercises are included in cardio. Start with incline walking or stair climbing. For quick weight loss, we recommend you start with weight training or kickboxing. Some of the other highly recommended workouts for weight loss include running, rowing, boxing and more.

Our cardio workouts are a combination of exercises that will help with your overall body weight loss. With our certified experts, losing weight is no longer an issue.

Start today so you can lose faster and better

Along with fitness training, you also need to work on having a healthy and balanced diet. Moreover, you also need to the calorie count. Make sure you are burning calories. Only with a calorie deficit you can lose weight.

Most cardio workouts might work for you, while others don’t. You will have to figure out the combination of exercises that impact your body and provide you with the best result. Our app can help you track your progress. That is what will keep you motivated.

Check our categories

Lose weight with us

Our variety of workout sessions, ranging up to 1000s of videos, will help you lose weight. Check out the variety of videos perfect for targeting your abs, arms, shoulders, lower body and upper body weight loss. Just look for the ideal combination of workouts for you to try out. Make sure you find a cardio workout session that suits your body type and helps you lose weight effectively.

Gain confidence with us

By losing weight, you will eventually feel a lot better, and you will also feel a lot more confident. Start with a workout routine and stay committed to it. With toning up your body, you will find yourself a lot more confident. So, what are you waiting for? If you do not want to spend a lot of money on the gym and its subscription, then a home workout is the best option. Also, you no longer have to take time out during work hours; with the videos, you can work out anytime.

Stay consistent and committed to the workout routine with our best cardio for weight loss workouts.

Consistency is the key when you are committed to losing weight. Most times, you will not feel the motivation to work out every day, but then you need to push yourself a little. So, start now! Sign up today to get your fitness journey started.

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