Staying true to yourself in your relationship

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, but it’s not uncommon for people to lose sight of themselves during their relationships. But why does this happen, and how can you prevent yourself from crossing your own boundaries? Let’s delve into it.
Finding your soulmate
The initial phase of a relationship is often referred to as the symbolic phase. During this time, you might find yourself eager to please everyone, which can lead you to overlook your own boundaries. This phase tends to focus on similarities rather than differences, with phrases like “he/she is my soulmate” or “I’ve found my better half” echoing through the air.
Revealing your true self
In a relationship, the desire to be together is strong. However, this eagerness can sometimes result in neglecting other aspects of your life as you become fully immersed in your partnership. While you may not notice it, those around you often do.
If you find that you’re unable to fully express yourself, it’s a problem. By doing so, you’re not only deceiving your partner but, more importantly, yourself. But why does this happen? It could be because you haven’t yet discovered who you truly are, or perhaps you’re afraid to confront your true self. It might also stem from a fear of losing your partner or disappointing them.
Embracing freedom
A healthy relationship strikes a balance between togetherness and individuality, allowing each person the freedom to pursue their own interests. It’s crucial to maintain your sense of self in a relationship. While you’ll undoubtedly share experiences together, not everything needs to be shared.
In a relationship, it’s vital to prioritize yourself and avoid losing your identity in the process. Finding equilibrium between your relationship and your friendships and family is equally important.
Maintaining your individuality while being part of a couple is key to a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Remember to honor your own needs and boundaries while nurturing your connection with your partner. By staying true to yourself, you’ll not only enrich your relationship but also foster personal growth and fulfillment.