Signs you’re becoming more like your Parents

You’ve probably said it at least once as a teenager: “I will never do this when I have kids!” As a child, and especially as a teenager, it’s perfectly normal to rebel against your parents. You want to follow your own path and make your own plans. But did you know that by the time you hit your 30s, you start becoming more like your parents and adopting more of their habits?
At what age does this start?
According to research by cosmetic surgeon Dr. Julian De Silva from London, it’s actually inevitable that you’ll start resembling your parents, at least in terms of personality. This typically begins around the age of 30 and becomes more noticeable as you get older. Especially when you become a parent yourself, it’s not surprising to realize you’ve adopted many of the behaviors or habits from your parents—often the ones you swore you’d never do!
How else can you notice that you’re becoming more like your parents?
You might also notice that you start developing the same hobbies as your parents or begin watching the same types of shows or movies. You may even physically start to resemble them more. Additionally, you might find yourself using the same expressions or adopting similar personality traits.
Does this happen in every parent-child relationship?
The tendency to become more like your parents can happen in any parent-child relationship, whether it’s mother-daughter, mother-son, father-son, or father-daughter. It can also depend on the bond you share with a parent or which parent you spent more time with growing up.