How to do a kettlebell swing

The kettlebell swing is a popular exercise that targets the core muscles, glutes, and legs. It’s crucial to have the right form to prevent injury and maximize the benefits of the exercise. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to perform the kettlebell swing:
Step 1:
Place the kettlebell on the ground between your feet. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grip the kettlebell with both hands using an overhand grip. Keep your arms straight, shoulders low, and pulled back.
Step 2:
Bend your hips and knees slightly while swinging the kettlebell backward between your legs. Keep your arms straight and your back flat.
Step 3:
Powerfully extend your hips and knees as you swing the kettlebell forward. Keep your arms straight, shoulders low, and pulled back as you swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height. Engage your glutes and abdominal muscles to control and stabilize the movement.
Step 4:
As the kettlebell swings back down, bend your hips and knees again. Swing the kettlebell back between your legs, maintaining a flat back and straight arms.
Step 5:
Repeat the swing for the desired number of repetitions.
Important tips:
Start with a light kettlebell and gradually increase to prevent injuries.
Keep your arms and shoulders relaxed, letting the power of the swing come from your hips and legs.
Maintain a flat back and avoid excessive rounding or curving.
Inhale as the kettlebell swings down and exhale as you swing it forward.
The kettlebell swing is a challenging exercise that targets the core muscles, glutes, and legs. By using the correct form, you can prevent injuries and maximize the benefits of the exercise. With proper technique and regular training, you can build a stronger and fitter body.