Everything about your sun sign

If you’re interested in astrology, you’ve probably heard of your sun sign. You might know this sign as your zodiac sign. Officially, it’s called your sun sign. Here’s everything you need to know about it.
What is your sun sign?
Your sun sign is the zodiac sign you’re most familiar with. It’s determined by the zodiac constellation the sun was in at the time of your birth. This sign is the easiest to figure out, as it’s roughly the same each year. However, if you were born at the beginning or end of a sign’s period, it could vary slightly.
The sun moves into a new sign around the same time each year, but the exact date can change. For instance, Aries season typically begins on March 21, but in 2022, it started on March 20. That’s why it’s a good idea to calculate your sun sign based on your exact birth date.
What does it mean?
Did you know that your sun sign is not your entire horoscope? While it’s a big part of it, your sun sign doesn’t represent your whole personality. Instead, it offers insights into your core character traits. It describes a large portion of who you are but also highlights areas where you can grow and develop. By working on these areas, you can find more fulfilment. Your sun sign reflects the desires of your ego and the need to express your true self.
What is my sun sign?
Calculating your sun sign is simple and can easily be done online. All you need is your exact time of birth, the date, and the place where you were born.